viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010



Aphasia is damage caused in many different portions of the brain, is located in the left part of the brain and affect in several ways. Its have different types of aphasia, but the most common are the fluent and the non-fluent. Anyone can acquire this damage, but the most common people are the middle or older aged and occur in, equally, men and women n, often in children, and affect the language parts of the brain.
This damage is produced in various ways, for example by a stroke or an injury commonly, but it could occur slowly in the case of an infection, dementia and a brain tumor. This produce that some cells die because the blood is not able to reach the brain and provoke a disorder, so, the oxygen and some others nutrients are not supply effectively, and provoke the damage.
Aphasia has different ways to occur, the first one is the fluent, this happen when a person talk and say sentences and phrases without sense, and the person does not know what is he/she saying and cannot correct it, so , they say a lot of words in a sentence but without a clear idea, and they do not understand their own speech or what other people are talking about.
The other type of aphasia is the non-fluent, and this happen when a person try to say a sentence or phrase and has the idea but only say two or three words of the entire sentence and is so difficult to understand what she/he trying to say but in this case they are completely aware and become perturbed easily. Other type of aphasia is Broca’s aphasia that consist in a paralysis in an arm and a leg and difficult to a person to walk and take something.
The treatment of the aphasia depends of the type of the aphasia, sometimes the person recover without treatment but happen with the persons that have a stroke and the blood flow to the brain normally again. For recover the language is necessary a therapy that takes time, in some cases the recuperation is faster but depend of the volume of the damage in the brain. The therapy has to involve the family too, because they have to be prepared in how to treat the damage person and how to involve him/her to the real and normally conversations and activities. So this means that the family has to work as a team for help the love person to recover faster.

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010


Dyslexia has a neurologically origin that causes learning disability, in some cases is heritable, it definitely runs in families and is manifested by difficult to reading, spelling, writing and other areas of study.
The persons who have Dyslexia have serious problems to learn, but in other areas they have excellent skills and abilities, for example, they are able in athletics, artistic, musical talent and many different activities that could be in the place of the other studies areas.
This damage is located at the right side of the brain, and many studies made known that in the brain, some neurons in a dyslexic person were not in the right place as in a non-dyslexic person, and when a dyslexic person reads, does not uses the same part of the brain as a non-dyslexic person, this mean a big different use of the brain, this studies develop that a dyslexic person has a larger right-hemisphere than a normal person.
The causes of this damage could be a genetic condition and many researches have determined that a gene on the short arm of the chromosome number six is responsible of the dyslexia.
The damage does not include people with physical handicaps or mental retardation, and is not influent by the environment or emotional disturbance, this is a neurologically damage and the causes are only in the gene inherited, other condition does case this problem.
This learning disability means a disorder in the process of learning, follow indications, understanding, writing and all the activities done during any class, because this people do not use the correct part or the most efficient part the their brain, and the part that they need to use for the activities or directions they need to follow is taken other or any function in this moment.
Dyslexia is not the result or is not produce by lack of motivation, environmental opportunities, and inadequate instructions during the learning process, but could occur if these and others conditions appear together.