viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010


Dyslexia has a neurologically origin that causes learning disability, in some cases is heritable, it definitely runs in families and is manifested by difficult to reading, spelling, writing and other areas of study.
The persons who have Dyslexia have serious problems to learn, but in other areas they have excellent skills and abilities, for example, they are able in athletics, artistic, musical talent and many different activities that could be in the place of the other studies areas.
This damage is located at the right side of the brain, and many studies made known that in the brain, some neurons in a dyslexic person were not in the right place as in a non-dyslexic person, and when a dyslexic person reads, does not uses the same part of the brain as a non-dyslexic person, this mean a big different use of the brain, this studies develop that a dyslexic person has a larger right-hemisphere than a normal person.
The causes of this damage could be a genetic condition and many researches have determined that a gene on the short arm of the chromosome number six is responsible of the dyslexia.
The damage does not include people with physical handicaps or mental retardation, and is not influent by the environment or emotional disturbance, this is a neurologically damage and the causes are only in the gene inherited, other condition does case this problem.
This learning disability means a disorder in the process of learning, follow indications, understanding, writing and all the activities done during any class, because this people do not use the correct part or the most efficient part the their brain, and the part that they need to use for the activities or directions they need to follow is taken other or any function in this moment.
Dyslexia is not the result or is not produce by lack of motivation, environmental opportunities, and inadequate instructions during the learning process, but could occur if these and others conditions appear together.

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